Tuesday, February 16, 2010

UP Concept Art

Wow! Its been a while....no a looong time. Really sorry about that everyone, for disappearing like that. A lot has happened since my last post. But more of that later. I want to start of this year by posting some of my work from UP.
In summer 2008 I had the honor to work on UP as an Art Intern. It was the best experience ever! I worked with an amazingly talented Design team. Most of my projects involved designing the interiors of Charles Muntz's Airship, 'Spirit of Adventure' along with my mentor Nat McLaughlin.
Shown below are the designs for the Cockpit and Muntz's Trophy room.

I wish UP all the best at the Oscars!


Kendra Melton said...

Awesome work man, especially love the skeletons!

Marceline Danousha said...

Oh yeah!!!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Welcome back! You've been gone toooooo long!

These illustrations are truly fabulous and you should pride yourself for having created them! Good luck!

I hope to see more updates, frequently!

Andre Barnwell said...

FUCKIN...AWESOME! Really nice man.

RAWLS said...

Fantastic work Sandeep!! Very nice my friend!

Bobby Pontillas said...

WooHoo! About time you updated! Great work man.

stephen said...

badass man!

get that corn outta my face!

Vikram said...

Hey Sandip, your work is really awesome and inspiring. I can imagine how much you would have enjoyed working on the great film like "UP". Keep posting....keep inspiring.

Ty Carter said...

This is awesome Sandeep! Beautiful work and congratulations for getting into the art of Up Book as well. That's pretty amazing seeing you were an intern.


C B Sorge said...

That's so cool that you got to work on such a great movie!!

I was thrilled to see the fossils inside the ship, including some famous examples. Thanks for that bonus to us paleo geeks!

Carolina said...

what an extraordinary work you did...


thanks for share!

Jack Chang said...

Awesome work man. Any news on what we talked about that night?

Sandeep Menon said...

Thanks everyone, yeah I had a great time working on the movie!

shoji said...

good stuff sandeep. hope you're well!

Abz said...

Too awesome! very very cool! :D

feel free to stop by! ;)

Gabby Zapata said...

Ahh your work is amazing!! I love all the colors :)!

Filippa Jean said...

Hey I love your stuff! How did you end up getting to work as an art intern for up? I am currently looking for internship at Pixar, is there any tips or contacts you could help me out with?

Ying-Hsuan Chen said...

love that museum shot:) awesome works!!